Guijuelo Ham

Jamón de Guijuelo is a denomination of origin that welcomes paddles and hams that comply with the elaboration and curing processes of this denomination. The Iberian pigs with which they produce their products come mainly from Salamanca, Extremadura, part of Andalusia and some areas of Castilla La Mancha, however, its maturation and curing area is concentrated in the municipality of Guijuelo and surroundings. Guijuelo ham has some unique characteristics that make it unique as its black hoof, its white-colored outer appearance, its grainy veins that appear at the cut, its bright and golden bacon and its somewhat sweet and slightly salty flavor. It should be noted that 60% of Iberian ham production that takes place in Spain is from the Guijuelo ham designation of origin.El jamón de Guijuelo posee unas características particulares que lo hacen único como su pezuña negra, su aspecto exterior de coloración blanca, sus vetas de grasilla que aparecen al corte, su tocino brillante y dorado y su sabor algo dulce y poco salado. Cabe señalar que el 60% de producción de jamón ibérico que se realiza en España es de la denominación de origen jamón de Guijuelo.